Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1000 Awesome things?... how about three?

I found a website and I was on there for a good half an hour just reading this guys' posts, and I eventually found myself agreeing with him.
So, that inspired me to make my own short short list of three things I find awesome.

1. When you're exausted from a long day, you get in bed and you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.
2. Your music player is on shuffle and it has a good stream of songs going.
3. Those days that you think about all the time - the fun ones.



Thursday, March 18, 2010

Well hello, blogger from iPod!

I'm itchy all over D: blahhgroogle. Ooh, now I feel like winding down and playing super paper Mario brothers :D
After my shower.
Most surley after my shower.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, March 15, 2010

Lalala. My hair is rrreeedd... Like, seriously red... Well, going to be anyways. :D OKAY! So tomorrow is Lee's (my brother) birthday, and there's gonna be endless supply of goodies x] like nom

Okay. Now to facebook! :D

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, March 11, 2010

No you crazy people reading my blog, I most certainly did not poof into thin air!


Like... wow.
Okay! So, I don't remember if I told you, but I have been doing a fashion show (did a fashion show). And it was awesome. I didn't get to sell my designs, but it was still real cool. Models were wearing them, and it was amazing.
I'll leave that there, because I have video\pictures that I'll post on here. On the sewing note, though, I'm making a dress for this girl Emily, so that's cool.

She's had a good birthday, we did the yard (blah), and she loved that. And had aaaaa-freaking-mazing ice cream sundays, and it was just real cool.
You deserve it, Mamma!
But, besides that, I'm out! I have to watch movies x] (The Little Mermaid... lol I'mma dork...)

Friday, March 5, 2010

No time for blogging when you're a fashion designer... editor... fashion thing...

Hey people of blogger ;O
This is gonna be supersupppppersuper short, because I have to get cleaning done and also make a dress and do stuff and make things and I'm freaking out and I don't feel like doing it and BSAKLJGDSKLDJ;KLASJKFESNFK.

That was my freakout.
eeez out.